
All key data

Master data

  • Name: IGP Advantag AG
  • Legal seat: Friedrichstr. 61, 10117 Berlin (Germany)
  • ISIN / WKN / abbreviation: DE000A1EWVR2 / A1EWVR / A62
  • LEI: 529900UXB9R20Y9CZG06
  • Class: ordinary shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.00 each
  • Segments: primary market Düsseldorf Stock Exchange, Berlin Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, XETRA


  • Current number of shares: 27,732,795 (ordinary shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.00 each)
  • free float: 100%

Company data

  • Year of foundation: 2009
  • Industry: Emissions trading / sustainable financial services / real estate
  • Financial year: Calendar year (01.01. – 31.12.)
  • Accounting type: HGB
  • Auditor: Thijssen – Pöhls – Stefaniak KG
    (each with unqualified audit certificate)
  • Executive Board: Stefan Ehgartner, Raik Oliver Heinzelmann
  • Supervisory Board: Dr. Markus Linnerz (Chairman), Petra Wierzchowski, Burkhard Dregger

Information First quotation

  • IPO: 16.09.2013
  • Applicant: Schnigge Wertpapierhandelsbank AG


  • BaFin prospectus: 13.06.2013 (IPO / capital increase)
  • Latest audited consolidated financial statements as of 31.12.2019